I agree with you G totally Bush isn't to blame for higher oil prices.....but he could do more to force the Gas Companies hand to provide us lower gas prices at the pump. I just wish this President or any President would start to force the oil companies to either build more refineries or start levying special taxes on these fuckers. Each quarter they make record profits while we all suffer.
Historically, however, price controls tend to lead to shortages. Remember the lines at the gas stations and rationing during the 1970s? That was because the federal govenrment tried to force the Gas Companies hand to provide us lower gas prices at the pump.
And levying more taxes on anything only serves to drive the price up further. That Economics 101.
About the best that any president can do, other than spew simplistic populist rhetoric, is try and encourage less fuel usage, alternate techonogies and better gas mileage. But, again, the market tends to do that better that the government in any event.