Here. To avoid further confusion.
On the other hand, when the price of gas goes up, people tend to buy cars with better mileage and the companies make their cars accordingly. That tends to create better overall fuel economy than a government mandate.
Yeah. He's partially correct. The Japanese are producing more fuel efficient cars. ON THEIR OWN. Good for them. The U.S. automakers on the other hand aren't. Despite the fact that they're losing market share and despite states enacting their own fuel standards to prod them.
Ironic considering that the Japanese aren't being prodded by any U.S. laws the way U.S. automakers would be. So for the Japanese, no laws are necessary since they are responsible world citizens and manufacturers. The U.S. automakers on the other hand aren't. So laws are necessary to prod them out of their stubborn suicide pact. Otherwise they'll just waste years fighting the states and the will of the people.