• Hillary Rodham Clinton, trailing by as much as 13 points in New Hampshire polls, went on a rampage yesterday against Barack Obama -- ripping him as all talk and no action and blasting his votes on everything from Iraq to ethics in a slash-and-burn effort to deny him a victory here.

    With her game face on just two days before New Hampshire's primary, Clinton hit the warpath by saying the country needs a "doer, not a talker" - then eviscerated Obama on lobbyists, Iraq, and ethics.

    Clinton - whose inner circle is girding for a possible defeat in New Hampshire's primary tomorrow - ran through issues where she said Obama's words didn't match his deeds, repeating each time, "That's not change."

    Last night, Team Clinton lobbed another grenade, saying that Obama's camp "may be violating the law" by sending out automated "robo-calls" to New Hampshire voters on a do-not-call list.

    Those calls challenge Clinton's charges that Obama skipped some abortion votes, saying her "last-minute smears" won't protect the right to choose.

Things aren't looking good for Hillary right now. The press is even starting to ask her if she might drop out if she loses New Hampshire. She's by no means dead, but right now it looks to some like the momentum is against her.