Originally Posted By: the G-man
According to the latest Gallup poll, Hillary's national poll lead is gone. I don't mean reduced. I mean gone. Obama is tied with her at 33%.

Meanwhile, Drudge is reporting on talk that Hillary is considering dropping out if she loses New Hampshire.

I'm skeptical, especially given the source. However, Greg Sargent of TalkingPointsMemo, a pretty influential liberal blog, has checked with his sources, and he's found something not too far from what Drudge was saying:
  • According to a Hillary adviser I spoke to today, Camp Hillary insiders who have been with her a very long time, such as Patti Solis Doyle, are worried about the long term damage that could be done to Hillary if she decides to fight on after a New Hampshire loss, though there's no indication they are yet urging an exit.

    "People who are close to Hillary personally are worried about what this is doing to her, what it might do to her career," the adviser says. "This is about protecting her future. That's the way it's being presented. You have a number who are saying to her, `Consider the Senate career.'

    "They're worried about the way the media might characterize her — a woman being on the attack, that kind of thing," the adviser continued. "There's a real debate going on within the campaign." (Solis Doyle didn't immediately respond to a request for comment left through a spokesperson.)

So maybe there is talk of "what the hell do we do if we lose New Hampshire?" in camp Hillary...