shit guys, that was fast. thanks :D

 Originally Posted By: TK-069
...will there be punch and pie?

will there!!

 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
rob, i mean this in the non gayest way possible...

I got your back...

appreciated, knut. gayily, or otherwise.

 Originally Posted By: rex
I registered and will send the link out to all my non rkmbers internet friends.

Everyone else should as well, most of us have been posting here for years and none of us have had to pay. This is the least we could do.

i... wow. i didn't even edit this! ...yet...

seriously, rexstardust, thanks.

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor

hah! now you're talkin! well played, thedoc. much thank y'sir.

and i promise all you guys ill figure some shit out to reward you for helpin out. maybe a comeback for avatar music ...?

btw, in relation to doc's game, i added a fyrebug UBB code button that lothar pointed out before (on the full reply pages, by the bold and italics buttons). if you wanna post your creations here, you can use that code and the game ID number, like youtubes -- i.e; (fyrebug)1111(/fyrebug) -- except brackets, of course, instead of parenthesis.

wont work elsewhere, of course. but most places will just accept the "embed" code (again, like youtube)

there has been a few early successes ...which have been random, but funny.

this johan santana game got picked up by an official ny mets blog somewhere. there's a ying yang twins game (hip hop rap group) that was embedded on their official myspace page. a Knight Rider game found its way to some huge knight rider site in germany. this he-man game was embedded on one of those fake he-man myspace accounts, that happened to be ginormous. ...cuz who doesn't wanna be friends with he-man. bound for glory game was on's wrestling section during the PPV. tony romo, jessica simpson game actually got picked up by an columnist in the dallas area. even this simple why so serious / joker snowglobe i made had a few hundred plays and spread to a dozen fan sites after i posted it on just (terrible) ign's (terrible) message boards.

its actually been pretty cool just to see how far and/or fast a creation can spread, with just one myspace post or email chain or boring office day.

giant picture