Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
soooo... alright. this is it. and its not even the blog.

rob needs (i needs!) your help. biiiiig sigh. i actually, really, legit need some support (cup or otherwise) and here's how. and ...how. (or for the short version, like me, just skip to the bold bits)

about, oh, 24 months ago, along with one other super nerd, we thought up this idea, then smacked said idea around until it grew enough legs (!) to live on its own: as a company. my own friggin company. (its alive!) sounds cool n'all, but its basically an every day, 18-hour work shittery fest, where you still hate your boss, but its you. weekends, birthdays, holidays, everything. gone.

but all of this built towards about 4 weeks ago, when the site finally launched. so, uh... what the fuck izit?

fyrebug.com. a place where reg'lar folks, even like you, can make their own flash games. you don't have to be a coder, developer, ubernerd, or have any kinda special software. its for everyone! you pick which game type you like, then put what you want in the game. george bush? done. hasslehoff? done. your face? done. your... ass? done. bea arthur's ass? done! favorite guns n'roses song? done. its all simple clicks, no heavy lifting. the whole creation process takes about 60 seconds.

then you can play the game on fyrebug.com. or IM the link to a friend. or post it on your myspace page. or email it around in chain forwards. or post on other sites you visit. or whatever! its got the portability of a youtube video -- you can share it all the same ways (sexually!) you can find better games on the site and send those around, too!

it'd be lovely, just lovely, if each of you registered on fyrebug.com. lovelier still if you made a game or two. lovelierest...ier if you then embedded the game on your myspace page or sent it around to others. the spread is the key, just like the herpes. fyrebug is a free service built on getting the name out there. the more people that see it the better!

now, i know, i know, most of you hate me and want death for me and wish ill upon my ilk. illilk. you hate being asked to try something, you hate the internet, you hate making games, you hate fyre, you hate bugs. you don't have myspace, IM, email, or internet access, and you're without time, and space. i understand. i get it.

i know its a big, fat, annoying and potentially gay and/or cunty request.

but this would absolutely kick very much ass and just help so goddamn much if you pitched in. even if you didn't like it, hated the idea, hated my face, wished for my fuckoffery, and just wanted to rex, etc. if you could put all that aside for a few moments, go through the motions, and help out, its appreciated. sincerely.

i don't care what the games are, either. it could be about indiana jones or futurama or how much superman return sucks or about the joys of bacon or about your cousins or about each other or about ...whatever (though... try to keep the "me" out of the content as much as possible; scary investors n'such)

then, lemme know what your registered screen name is on fyrebug.com, and as soon as i can dish out some sorta reward or whatever for your efforts, cuz i sure as fuck know most of you wont budge until there's something in return, i will. honest. sure, im busy as fuck, have shitloads of pressure on me lately, notta dime in the world to my name anymore, and give you this wonderful message board land for you to play around in, free of charge, and have been providing such for 37 and one-half years, at no cost or detriment to you... but i know how the game works. so lemme know, anyway.

and there y'go. actual, legit begging. help a brother out. hell, pretend it actually is a black person you're helping, instead of me. pick one that you like. like wednesday or the bastard or mr. t or blackula or rerun. the goodburger kids. the inspiration doesn't matter.

register at fyrebug.com. make some games. send the games around. embed them on your myspace page and post them on your friends pages. wash. rinse. repeat. compliment harley on her boobs. make a game out of said mythical boobs. post that game one someone else's myspace page.


it was a real, like... "should i or shouldn't i" kinda ordeal to write this, cuz i never really wanna ask for anything. and i know its likely a genuine pain in the ass to even read about it. but truthfully and so very sincerely, i honestly appreciate anything you guys can do to help out, and it'd really mean the world to me.

I didn't read any of that.

Bow ties are coool.