I KNOW. You told me that much. heh
Lest YOU forget, I remember shit. Like that one time you and I were in the airport, laughing and mocking RKMBers. Joe Mama is still jealous, btw.
Good thing I didn't tell him about the bathroom adventures...
Nah, I wasn't jealous. I was happy for you crazy youngsters. Stareena's return is good for you - she should shake you out of the retarded emo funk you've been in.
Good times.
Emo funk?
:Backs away:
Bad choice of words on Momma-san's part. Again, he's only trying to passively tear our unique rapport asunder, baby. shhhh, pay the bad man no mind... haha
I've been having some crap luck with life and dating lately. But nothing at a Snarf-level.
To be fair, it wasn't nearly Snarfian in its whiny-bitchery. But it was pretty durned bad. Like I said, almost enough to make me respond like a 33-year-old would (scary, I know). But I consider TK a pal so I stayed my hand.
And that's Mama-san, Yankee. And smile when you say that.