Now, I pride myself at my ability to stand even the worst of cinematic drivel....

Anyone who knows me knows that I take this to extremes. I subjected bsams and some friends one night to "The Phantom Empire" with Gene Autry one night (big goofy cowoy robots and singing cowboys), and then he tries to torture me with "Flesh Gordon 2: Attack of the Cosmic Cheerleaders"...let's just say I was the last man standing that night.

But...there is some stuff out there that's just too fucking bizarre and absurd that I won't even own in my huge collection of schlock, cheap exploitation crap, and low budget wonders (600+ VHS and 250+ DVD strong and growing)..

Here's some examples:


Bad! Bad! G'Way! I liked the first film, it actually surprised me...but the sequel. Fucking terrible.


I actually travelled about 70 miles and spent 8 bucks to see this piece of crap during it's theatrical run...I really love the first film, but IMO....there should only be one. I even went out and bought the "Renegade Version", the re-editted...thing...that's on DVD, and it's basically a butcher job of a film that was already fucking bad.


the most evil movie on and some friends caught this cinematic gem during it's theatrical run....and left 3/4th of the way thru. That's the only time I've left a movie in my life. Stay away from it like the me.