Ah, Pro, I give you credit for giving it a shot as I know how much you loathe his work.

Sorry it wasn't your cup of tea (of toke of weed), but to each their own, honey.
THANK YOU for being the only one who realizes the sacrifice I made to be able to bitch about Whedon on equal footing...

Oh, and Cassaday's art alone is worth the price of the book.
Oh hell, I knew that before I ever even read the first issue. I mean, I was there with him on Planetary from the beginning.

It's funny to think about it....I went to Books-a-Million one night, having just moved to a new town. I was bored, and wanted something new to read. I scanned through the trade section and found three books I was curious about. Their names?
Planetary, and
The Authority.

I ended picking up Planetary, first. Naturally, I devoured the hell out of it, and then immediately set about to tracking down all the individual issues, as well.
Transmet was next, but I never tracked down the originals.
The Authority was given that final push on me by Grimm, himself. He basically banged me over the head with a small car, screaming "READ AUTHORITY!!!". I listened. I read. He stopped hitting me with automobiles. It was love.