Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wonder Boy. On more than one occasion, you've ranted about how MEXICANS, not illegals, have more crime, more childbirths etc. etc. And how you prefer other races immigrating here because Mexicans are responsible for every conceivable social ill you can toss at them.

So don't you come now trying to be Mr. "I only hate illegals", because frankly, I know it's bullshit.

Oh wait, have you dated a Mexican? Because that might blow my argument out of the water .

More ad-hominem diversionary tactics on your part, to divert from the facts.

As I said

 Originally Posted By: WB

NOT all hispanics are resented. And if so many legal hispanics weren't so pro-illegal, they would be viewed by more as fellow Americans, instead of as enemy enablers living inside our borders. It is not racism. It has everything to do with unAmerican hispanic ATTITUDES, *NOT* race.

But you're a slandering sack of shit, so of course you'd try and frame it that way.

yes, wondy. we already know for every ten racist or sexist or outright offensive comments you make you make one little backpeddle comment that you can pull out of your ass whenever challenged.

Bow ties are coool.