Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You keep posting this alleged "gotcha" stuff, where you supposedly caught me saying racist stuff, but it's so obviously taken out of context by you.

 Originally Posted By: Ray
When the immigrant population approaches or surpasses the percentage of native-born, I find that a rather alarming ratio.....The white population is actually declining at 100,000 per year, leaving the insanity in California for an America they recognize as the same culture they grew up in.

see, that's where you slipped up. you had stuck with "native-born population" which would include whites blacks browns yellows reds, all the colors of the rainbow. but then you made it clear, that this is about white people being in the majority. "white population." those are your words. i didn't do some liberal mind trick or change things around. that's what you said.

You omitted the part where I said that, along with the white majority that's leaving California at a rate of about 100,000 a year, I also said that the black middle class is leaving with them.

here is the WHOLE post:
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

To a degree, I find it exciting. It is only when it exceeds a certain ratio of the population that I find unpleasant and a threat to American sovereignty and culture.

Someone who speaks spanish doesn't offend me.
Someone who wants to make spanish the second language of the U.S. does.

I'd already prepared a long response to that comment but now I don't feel like posting it because it's pretty heated and right now I'm not really in the mood.

Do you want to hear it? Because frankly I found that comment to be typical as well as racist.

When the immigrant population approaches or surpasses the percentage of native-born, I find that a rather alarming ratio. And at that point, I wonder whether the immigrants are assimilating to our English-rooted European culture, or whether we are assimilating to theirs.

In Broward County the ratio of immigrants is now over 50%. I'm sure it exceeds that in places like L.A. and Miami.

The same is true in London (the numbers and attitude of which has inspired a book titled Londonistan).

For someone to not find that ratio alarming, they cannot put much worth in our national identity. It is nothing less than cultural suicide. Whether you're talking about 50-plus percent Russian, or 50-plus percent Indian, or 50-plus percent Mexican, it isn't about racism, it's about what we are as a nation, and the threat of non-assimilation those high numbers persent.

Even in colonial times, "racists" like Franklin and Washington were concerned about too many Germans entering the country, and among those permitted to enter the U.S., steps were taken to insure they were spread out among the U.S. population, so they would assimilate, and not pose any threat of becoming a separate pocket of German culture in America.

Compare this with Mexican immigration in California and the U.S. Southwestern states. The white population is actually declining at 100,000 per year, leaving the insanity in California for an America they recognize as the same culture they grew up in. As the Mexican population continues to soar. Every year, California looks less and less like the rest of America, and its voters become increasingly less interested in securing our borders, and more interested in creating a welfare state.
In the 1990's boom period, when imcomes rose for the rest of the U.S., median incomes declined by 8% in fifteen border counties of California, specifically due to Mexican immigration, and the lower wages that so many immigrants (legal and illegal) caused.

nowhere do you mention the black middle class. Again, I quote exactly what you say and you accuse me of lying for not capturing your "intent" or what you said later on while backpeddling. This is the exact post. You talk about the white population and that's it.
I'm not looking up the others. This is silly and you're clearly not mentally sound to have a discussion of any sort.

Bow ties are coool.