See, I actually didn't mind the American version(let me explain!).

Yeah, they had a "few" size issues, but I liked what they did with the thing. They made it a seriously monstrous villain again, it wasn't as much of a joke as it was before(though I loved the movies, don't get me wrong). I think the major problem was doing the whole Jurassic Park thing in Madison Square Garden, especially with the ridiculous exit from the arena(shoot the shandeliers and they'll all run away!). I definitely think there were merits to the movie:

-the Siskel/Ebert Prez/Vice Prez bit

-the way they didn't show you the whole monster until the climax

-the explanation for how Godzilla was born, I'm sorry, but having it be a side effect of the nuclear testing during the 40s made ALOT more sense(and was just cooler) than it being a million year old Dinosaur trapped in an iceberg

-as I said before, the destruction and devestation it caused and the way it was done, it made it seem alot more serious and imposing as a villain than just having a guy in a green barney suit trample lego buildings