Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Ray

wow. in the post i quoted you talk only about whites. now you're arguing that because a month later, after a month of me saying you were racist for talking about the white population, you posted something about the black middle class. and that makes me a slanderous weasely liar?
wow. you really are nuts.

Why rush to answer yet another repeat of a slander I've answered in at least 100 previous posts?
My views are clear enough the FIRST hundred times I responded to your slander. I never said anything racist. You keep making racist remarks, and paraphrasing me to have allegedly said them (i.e., you're a lying sack of shit).

wow, you really are just disconnected from reality. it's one thing to argue, it's another to argue based on a false point repeatedly. As I showed, the racist comment (you saying "white population") is in your post. You said you mentioned the black middle class as well, I showed the whole post and you didn't. Then you showed a post from a month later as proof that it was said in the initial post.

You think repeating a disproven false allegation makes it any more true?

Please scroll up and re-read it all. It's in English for your benefit. Try comprehending what's being said and what is going on. Maybe ask a smart friend to help you. Then get a dictionary, or go to dictionary.com, and look up "slander" "disproven" "false" "allegation" "ad hominem" and "ironic."

You're just being a lying sack of shit, just like always. Very little of what you post is worth responding to at all.

That's not too bad though, because NONE of what you post is worth responding to.

Bow ties are coool.