What exactly does it mean 'trying to recreate the Silver Age" anyways?
Does it mean bringing back Silver age characters or does it mean that people think that not everything needs to drip of ultra realism and 'logical' explanations in order to be entertaining.
In other words, does whimsy and the fantastic offend people? Because I'd argue that Grant Morrison's All star Superman captures a spirit that hasn't been seen since the Silver age without it necessarily being about recreating that era.
BUT all the current writers now are doing that to the Iron Age (86-96) characters that I knew and loved as a kid. They've ruined Kyle Rayner, killed Superboy and Bart Allen, screwed up the New Warriors; I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Quesada resurrects the Ultraverse just so Marvel can ruin that... Again.
But I'm sure Beardguy can argue the same thing about the Silver age. Face it, comics are going to progress (or regress) as time goes by. Expecting them to remain in the Iron Age is as silly as expecting the Silver age to live on indefinitely.