Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Ray

wow. in the post i quoted you talk only about whites. now you're arguing that because a month later, after a month of me saying you were racist for talking about the white population, you posted something about the black middle class. and that makes me a slanderous weasely liar?
wow. you really are nuts.

Why rush to answer yet another repeat of a slander I've answered in at least 100 previous posts?
My views are clear enough the FIRST hundred times I responded to your slander. I never said anything racist. You keep making racist remarks, and paraphrasing me to have allegedly said them (i.e., you're a lying sack of shit).

wow, you really are just disconnected from reality. it's one thing to argue, it's another to argue based on a false point repeatedly. As I showed, the racist comment (you saying "white population") is in your post. You said you mentioned the black middle class as well, I showed the whole post and you didn't. Then you showed a post from a month later as proof that it was said in the initial post.

Wow. YOU'RE the one who lies repeatedly, and then you turn it around and allege that I'M the liar?

I simply mentioned "white Americans leaving California", and middle class blacks as well leaving California, as a demographic sampling that combined represent about 80% of Americans. If 100,000 whites are leaving California per year, they can't all be racists.
Which is precisely my point, they're voting with their feet that there is a serious immigration problem in California, and that they no longer want to deal with the taxes to subsidize illegals (that they voted to stop with Proposition 187), the gangs, the crime, the declining schools due to the ratio of students who don't speak english, and feeling like aliens in their own country.

Wow. When Whomod constantly posts demographics about "hispanic Americans" you must REALLY think he's a racist. If you had any uniform standard for your slanderous antagonisms. Which you don't. Because you're a lying sack of shit.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
You think repeating a disproven false allegation makes it any more true?

Please scroll up and re-read it all. It's in English for your benefit. Try comprehending what's being said and what is going on. Maybe ask a smart friend to help you. Then get a dictionary, or go to dictionary.com, and look up "slander" "disproven" "false" "allegation" "ad hominem" and "ironic."

Again you repeat the lie.
Your insults are not facts.

I mentioned two large demographic groups that are leaving California in droves because they are tired of paying taxes to support illegals, and legal immigration out of control. Period. The end. Not racism. It's not Mexicans even that is making them leave, but the OVERWHELMING FLOOD of hispanic immigrants, that is declining the quality of life for them, to the point that they are moving elsewhere. 100,000 white Californians can't all be racist. There are clearly other deeper social and economic reasons for their exodus.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
You're just being a lying sack of shit, just like always. Very little of what you post is worth responding to at all.

That's not too bad though, because NONE of what you post is worth responding to.

So why are you responding?

You have a burning need to slander those who disagree with you. I present an issue, and rather than address the issue, you just falsely slander over and over, "you're a racist".

Mentioning statistical demographics regarding blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, Arabs, native Americans, or whoever, is not inherently racist. Except to slandering liberal fucks like you.

If we can't discuss the problems particular to racial, social or economic demographic groups, then we can't truly discuss the problems that face those groups, or our larger society as a whole. Your slanderous antagonism, and constantly raising the allegation of "you're a racist, you're a racist" is just spiteful defamation, constantly raising an allegation you KNOW to be false.
It is the consistent liberal tactic, in their holy war on progress. To prevent the real issues from even being discussed, and to rally minorities to their side with fear tactics.

Or more pointedly, you're a lying sack of shit.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.