Originally Posted By: whomod
The entire 1/3rd of a web page devoted to one long assed post?

Wonder Boy must be online.


 Originally Posted By: whomod

Romney in '08 topic:
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

"The source of the card is unknown..."

So it could have come from a Democrat.
It would be consistent with Hillary Clinton's political tactics, and her many unclaimed attacks on Obama, that even the liberal media says came from her campaign.

When buildings are bombed by terrorists, there is a reason people immediately assume it's done by radical islamists. Same with Lee Atwater/Karl Rove style smear jobs. It's an established M.O. with the far right. G-man also makes good points which you probably won't immediately dismiss as coming from Moscow or something similarly archaic and and dated.

When you mention swiftboat ads, you might also mention the Swiftboating by Dan Rather and the rest of liberal media, if not complicit Democrats, when they attacked Bush with a forged letter allegedly from Bush's National Guard commanding officer, just 2 weeks before the 2004 election.

While CBS and Rather did a piss poor job of evaluating the authenticity of the document, Marion Knox, the 86 year old former secretary was found who also said the document was fake. She did however say she remembered doing a similar document with roughly the same information in it. She also said Bush was unfit to serve as President and was selected, not elected.

So much for "swift boating". When the secretary who typed up the documents says the documents were fake but the INFO was spot-on. Sounds like a classic Rove deflection/distraction tactic to me. (see Rove bugging his own HQ and accusing the Democrats).

Or Al Gore's, Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharpton's and other Democrats' cultivating fear and splitting the nation along ethnic lines with allegations of racism in the 2000 election, along with other conspiracy theories, to scapegoat their losses in 2000 and 2004 onto Ralph Nader, George W. Bush, and others.

Willie Horton

Welfare queen

Southern strategy

Lee Atwater

Although if you read the Lee Atwater entry, he did come to an epiphany after discovering he had cancer and publicly apologized for the deplorable tactics he used to discredit and destroy people for the Republican Party. Karl Rove and his ilk have yet to have a similar pang of conscience.

Or exposure of the Mark Foley scandal on October 2006, barely 2 weeks before the election (an interesting pattern for the liberal media, in 2004 and 2006). A story Democrats and the liberal media had known about for roughly a year, but chose that precise moment to unleash on the Republicans.
Funny how swiftboating the Republicans in far more questionable circumstances doesn't even raise the slightest blip on your sense-of-fairness meter.

Uh huh.

It was a Republican aide who came forward first. And the Republicans knew about it for much longer. hence the resignation of Dennis Hastert. You forgot to add that part when you were pointing fingers at the evil liberals.

On the subject of the Swiftboat ads, I think it was fair game, since Kerry opened the door by attacking Bush's National Guard record, and Kerry would often condemn the Swiftboat attacks on his record, and then attack Bush's military record in the same breath. If it's fair for Kerry, then it's fair for Bush to respond.

Of course you think it's fair game. Was it also far game the way they attacked Max Cleland? "Support the troops" all right. Jut so long as they ain't liberal. if so then they're "fair game".

The Democrats engage in these attacks.

And the Democrats do it to themselves. Just ask Howard Dean.

Howard Dean? The chairman of the DNC? Why?

Someone as prone to voluminous foaming-at-the-mouth liberal rants such as yours should look to the length of his own posts, before he criticizes the length of anyone else's posts.

Especially when my responses are just answering the voluminous false assumptions, gloating bravado, and sheer excrement that you've raised, and obligated myself and others to respond to.