Read New World Order. Its quite good. A little predictable in places (the Martians, Manhunter's disguise) but the takedown of the Martians by Bats was excellent, and I now see why everyone made such a fuss over "Only if he's prepared."

Morrie was keen to cast Bats as quite different from his peers. Ostensibly powerless and outclassed by his super-powered opponents, Morrie has Superman describe him as the most dangerous man on the planet simply because he outsmarts the bad guys. And in writing it, morrie had to demonstrate that the outsmarting was believable - there ws no deux ex machina good luck involved. Bats just worked the bad guys out and punished them for their mistake in revealing their weakness.

Its interesting to see how a Machiavelian take on a crimefighter can work so well.

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