Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
I live in what was a very white area 40 years ago, but is now becoming a very mixed area.

There are white, Indian ( from India ), Russian, Romanian, Latin, etc here now.

The neighborhood is also turning black, which is cool, as some of the daddies are cute!

I can hear the people here from other countries all talking in their various dialects in the street, in their apartments, etc.

I don't give a damn who lives here, as long as they don't fuck with me!

Yes, but you're gay. Although Wonder boy likes to party with you guys on New years, he does disapprove of your lifestyle CHOICE.

Plus if you're gay, you must be a commie liberal so you're all for this country being invaded and losing it's European identity as well as it's sovereignty..

Using deceitful communist rhetorical technique, straight from the Moscow Central Committee of course...
