And you know what? I like grim 'n' gritty. I love Miller's DKR. I loved Cable's assumption of responsibility for the New Mutants. I like Byrne's Superman, where Luthor had a kryptonite ring and threw Superman out of his office by the scruff of the neck like trash. I thought the Mutant Massacre in X-men in the mid-80s, where Nightcrawler and Colossus were hospitalised, was awesome, and that Wolverine skewered Phoenix rather than let her kill Selene in cold blood. I like the fact that Hal Jordan turned evil, that Aquaman lost a hand, that the Flash died and isn't coming back and that the Anti-Monitor crisped Supergirl. I liked the fact that Hulk broke his leg in Secret Wars. And I liked Batman becoming obsessed with his war on crime.
The writing became exciting. These people with their powers were fighting desperate and evil adversaries. Sometimes bad things happened. And I think comics were better for it.