Originally Posted By: notwedge
I've been working on my game that uses the engine. I'm still not quite happy with all the sounds because some of them ended up "chipmunky" when I uploaded them.

it depends on mp3 quality. most mp3s are 128 bit rate / 44 sample rate. on occasion, you'll run into those that are not. if they are not, they often play screwy -- not just on fyrebug, but on anything. its like, in old school speak, getting a 33 record, and playing it at 25. its a disaster.

best answer: you can use an online converter, or download a "free" sound editor, like a goldwave to fix.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Robert, does Fyrebug accept the URL link to .GIFS? I'm have a hell of a time getting them to show up...

yessir, gifs are fine.

animated gifs, not yet. though, even those will work a little -- when you upload an animated gif, the cropper will just grab the first frame.

giant picture