Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
And you know what? I like grim 'n' gritty. I love Miller's DKR. I loved Cable's assumption of responsibility for the New Mutants. I like Byrne's Superman, where Luthor had a kryptonite ring and threw Superman out of his office by the scruff of the neck like trash. I thought the Mutant Massacre in X-men in the mid-80s, where Nightcrawler and Colossus were hospitalised, was awesome, and that Wolverine skewered Phoenix rather than let her kill Selene in cold blood. I like the fact that Hal Jordan turned evil, that Aquaman lost a hand, that the Flash died and isn't coming back and that the Anti-Monitor crisped Supergirl. I liked the fact that Hulk broke his leg in Secret Wars. And I liked Batman becoming obsessed with his war on crime.

The writing became exciting. These people with their powers were fighting desperate and evil adversaries. Sometimes bad things happened. And I think comics were better for it.

Well thank fuck someone read it and even better agreed with it.

I'm not excusing the bad writing which also epitomised the grim n gritty 90s period. Alex Ross was right to mock Liefeld in Kingdom Come. Anything which comes out of Image now with a cape is doomed to failure because their currency is worth nothing, when it comes to superheroics and if not for The Authority and access to Jim Lee's pencils Wildstorm would probably be a decision DC would have regretted.

But if not for grim n gritty we'd all be bitching about comics, like we did with Star Wars. We'd have grown out of them. Actually we wouldn't be bitching about them. We wouldn't be reading them.

actually, I think Invincible sells pretty well, but other than that and maybe Godland I can't come up with anything off the top of my head.