Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I see, so to you, sending a "peace keeping force" as part of a United Nations to-do constitutes an invasion?

You are an idiot.

We sent in 2300 Marines as a peacekeeping force into Liberia, and there were concerns (of a number of Washington and Pentagon leaders) of possible deaths of Americans in that conflict. 2300 Marines is more than half the total number of U.S. soldiers who have died in 5 years. Similar actions included Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

You're an idiot for not acknowledging commitment of resources, and the potential risk, any time U.S. forces are deployed.

And that it was a deployment of U.S. forces for a nation that doesn't have oil resources to exploit.

Who said anything about risk? That still doesn't make it an invasion and still doesn't change the fact that the U.S never had the hard for N.Korea or Liberia (if it makes you feel better) that it had for Iran and Iraq.

Nice try WB.

A rose by any other name.

It's a military police action, however you'd like to spin it otherwise. With a considerable force of 2300 Marines deployed to Liberia.

Iraq and Iran are central to the entire Middle East, and expansion from either of those nations (closing off shipping in the Persian Gulf) could bottle up virtually the entire global oil supply, in addition to allow invasions of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain... in short, every ally the West has in the Middle East.

But again: even though we have priority interests in the Persian Gulf, we also conducted military actions in Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia and Liberia, for both (1) humanitarian reasons, and (2) to prevent the conflicts from expanding to include more nations in a larger regional war.