Originally Posted By: thedoctor
...quite frankly, I don't like the Silver Age Superman as a character. He's a bit of a douche.

That's an interesting point (and, of course, the whole basis for the Superdickery website). As noted above, however:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Most of us recognize that the silver age was flawed and most of old time fans don't really want a return to that era. We don't want a Batman who acts like Adam West. We don't want simplistic stories that only last eight pages. But we do like the idea of taking what works in a modern age (better characterization, better logic, better art) and maybe, just maybe, making more comics that are, like the ones in the Silver Age, fun to read and even capable of attracting new readers, instead of catering to an ever shrinking readership that needs to be exposed to even more "shocking" moments to rouse themselves from their comics reading ennui