yeah, but knowing someones love for fox news and their love of misleading things we all know what the troll was getting at.
I'm not denying any of that. but you all took the bait and it's really as simple as knowing that
Jon Stewart is the Daily Show host and
John Stewart isn't. G-Man

all of you.
I didn't, ya big 'mo. I went down a totally different track. So there. Nyah.
Than this has to be a thread about the black Green Lantern. DC killed John Stewart on MLK day!!
Heh, I was wondering when someone was going to mention John Stewart. the black Green Lantern.
Yeah, it was only about three hours after I did. Jerry, stop trying to use Lothar in your weak attempt to Kamphausen me.
(Yeesh, that sounded better in joke concept than in actual posting...
