Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Rex, did you know that Chair-lifting Lad said " Hello , how are you today ? " to Panstfaced Larry in Chocolicious Comics #11111111? That is my favorite issue. It is too bad that Jerry Springer killed Chair-lifting Lad in Chachafaris #838388383383. He was my favorite charactor. He could lift chairs.

Rex, did you know that I have a Chair-lifting Lad statue in my room? It is actually a chair but I have polished and painted it to make it look like him. I hope that Jerry Springer or Uschi do not come to my house and kill him. I would be very sad! He is my favorite charactor. Of the comics.
I bet you typed this with your shirt off while a cat was drinking milk from your nipples.