So I guess you forgot this little jem:
NAMBLA makes me sick. I got sent to the school shrink when I was in military school as a teenager ( Not my idea to go there! ) when I had run away from the damn place twice.
The first thing the fucking shrink said was to pull my pants down.
I complied.
Not because I wanted to.
I obeyed because in military school, the adult and the kid officers could hit you.. and they hit hard!
That sick fuck would jack off watching me. He never touched me, but I had to see him a few more times and I had to take all my clothes off each time while he jo'd.
The experience was totally humiliating.
Thank God I finally got kicked out of that horrible school.
I know it wasn't as bad as getting raped, but at the time, it made me feel like shit.
So, anyone who molests a kid or just makes a kid stand there naked in front of him while he plays with himself is a sick fuckhead who ought to be castrated.