Jackie, the ONLY suggestion I have is one that Rob just won't do:
Ban Uschi.
And anyone else who engages in similar childish, immature behavior.
But that will never happen.
Rob is a pretty cool guy, but, as long as he allows people who are immature, disruptive, hateful, petty and so full of themselves like Uschi and Rex in here, the other posters here will suffer.
At almost any other Chat forum, people who are like that are banned.
Uschi and Rex dump on me a lot here. It's become like the second grade for me here, and, last night, while things were happening, I got sick to my stomach, I felt dizzy, my heart was beating wildly, and my chest hurt. I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. Hours later, I felt better, but, since heart disease runs in the family - and, last night, the anger I felt at Uschi and a few others here was intense and frightening - I logged out.
Now? I'm not sure I want to post here anymore.
To survive being attacked by monsters, I'd have to become one.
I would have to match the hate thrown at me, and surpass it.
I can do it. Part of me would love to do it, as I am totally sick of being dumped on. You push hard enough at even the nicest people, and they will react with anger.
In having to deal with the bitter, anger filled ones, I found myself becoming as angry as them.
I don't want, and don't need that in my life.
I'm tired of the childish, never - ending circular arguments that seem to escalate into ever tightening spirals of futility.
I am certain that several here will merely perceive this missive as an " Oakley Meltdown", and just laugh and start threads about what an "emo" I am.
Eventually, such individuals will drive away all the good ones here.
That will be a sad day.
Rex is a pathetic loser with delusions of humanity.
Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.
Life will catch up with these two. They won't believe it now, but it will. I've seen it happen many times in my life to others who thought they were so cool and superior.
People such as they really have only ONE true purpose in life:
To serve as teachers for others - for how NOT to behave, and how NOT to be.
And as a constant reminder to ever be on guard, lest we begin to become as they are.
I might just stay on, and post my stories here.. I might not.
Why bother to work hard at building a sand castle, when there are immature ones here just waiting eagerly to smash it down?
It makes no sense.
Oh, and BSAMS? You called me a "Fascist" for deleting the bullshit that Usci put into the DT forum.
And that I was becoming what I hate.
That is only partially correct. I was dealing with extremely childish behavior.
Extreme behavior that could only be dealt with by engaging in extreme measures.
But I did become what I despise: An anger filled person.
When such anger is dumped on you long enough, it corrupts and taints you.
The hate filled, childish reactions that this post will incur will only serve to prove me right - however, the haters will not see it that way.
They will rationalize, justify, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They will make fools of themselves with each angry post, and not even realize it.
That is sad.
I have seen this in many people over the years.
The faces vary, but the minds and thinking are alike.
I might not be back. I might just post my stories. Right now? I do not know.
I cannot again have to unleash anger as I began to last night. It could destroy my health. I have worked hard to eliminate anger from my life.
A pity that a few here embrace it like a warm, comforting, and comfortable piece of apparell.
I would miss the ones here who are kind, amusing, and fun to chat with.
You know you are - and thank you for your online friendship.
I can't think of a good way to end this..
So, one word will have to suffice: