casual or new fans??
i think the entire point of tis episode is to confuse as many people as possible to silence the people wanting a multiverse. Then all those old arguments can be trotted out with the weight of their artificially enduced "confusion" ringing true. It's erecting the straw man is all it is.
I say that because I want you all to go back in time almost 2 years and to Infinite Crisis.
Remember how we got Superman of Earth II back simply so he could be the voice of old fandom? Forever bitching about how things were better in the old days and how the new heroes aren't really heroic. He was obviously a stand-in for all the old timers who missed the Pre-Crisis DC and the less "dark" style of storytelling. And the entire point of the exercise of bringing back the Earth II Superman and Alex Luthor was to show fans just how misguided and wrong they were for ever wanting a lighter Earth.
And now we have a multiverse. Which is what old time fans have wanted for 20 years. But after seeing just how deliberately confusing, outright crappy, and convoluted it all is I've realized that THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT!
They want the multiverse to be as crappy as they can possibly make it as to reinforce their point that a multiverse is too confusing and a single Earth is preferable. THEY'RE ERECTING A STRAW MAN ARGUMENT. Let's argue that a multiverse is too confusing by making an incredibly lame confusing and convoluted multiverse! Let's make it convoluted by putting multiple versions of The Crime Syndicate who themselves are supposed to be ONE variation of the JLA. Let's have 2 Captain Marvel's with hardly any difference between them. Let's have another JSA! Let's have not just a few Earth's at a time to be introduced to gradually, but lets have TONS of them all at once and have them numbered and introduced randomly!! One day you'll be on Earth 3, the next day you'll be on Earth 41 with no rhyme or reason. Earth X will suddenly have some random number attached to it that's hard to remember!
By the end of this story i think the entire point is to have fans heads spinning and demanding relief from all these confusing Earths!
They did it in Infinite Crisis and they're still doing it now.
Silly Whomod! Can't keep track of 52 Earths! Sheesh!