Mine life is not the question, Madam Bunny. Is PCG we be curious about....
We be? Gotta disagree with you there, Klint.
I concur.
Its hard not to order hot wings in french.
Sometimes, when my friends and I order them at a restaurant, I just kinda look at them and feel sad. Like something good was taken away from my life, but I can't put my finger on what it is. Then I remember what it is and shed a single tear. Discreetly, though - I don't want my friends thinking I'm, y'know, queer or nuthin'.
I dont' wanna sound like a queer or nothin', but I think unicorns are KICK-ASS!
"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all." -- Lothar of the Hill People