One: I don't like it when people try to buy my time with sex appeal. I don't watch sci-fi (mainly) for that. That's how I was shyed away from buying DOA 3
I was initially wary of Galactica for the same reason. I tend to be suspicious of people who assume that Sci-Fi (and comics) is the sole domain of sexless dorks that can be hooked by merely shoving some hot skank with double D's (Seven of Nine, i'm looking at you) in front of the TV (or comics cover).
Galactica right off the bat came out with women galore, hot women galore and to make it worse, had a Cylon who's only purpose seemed to slink around in a short dress and repeatedly fuck Blatar.
It wasn't a great miniseries, but it was decent enough, in spite of the crass dork sex enticements to give the show a chance.
And then it got good. Real good. Excellent in fact.