Went to a job fair today at a "natural food" warehouse. Since my dad works there I'm pretty sure I'll get a job. I applied for the friday saturday and sunday shift. Its 12 hour days but its worth it if I get four days off in a row. The shift starts at 4am, but I think I can handle it. There's also a monday through thursday ten hour shift that I might get.
Read Patriot Games. So far its my favorite Tom Clancy book. It got a little far-fetched at some points, but over all it was a great book. next up is Red Rabbit.
Did I ever tell you how much everyone at that job fair laughed at you?
I got home from work today to find out that fedex called about a job I applied for two years ago. Since my mom answered, and she is crazy, she said that I would be able to go in for an interview between three and six AM. So now I have to get up at five, get my mom to drive me there, even though she said she probably won't be able to. So I might get up too damn early for no reason. I still have to go to my normal job, which might be ending this week, at eight.
I hate shit like this.
All I wanted was a fucking price quote on getting rid of 200lbs of waste.
The interview went well, they seem desperate for new people. (Which is a good thing.)
I've always wanted to work for Fedex. I've always been fascinated with shipping. The whole logistics thing is extremely interesting to me. If I do get this job, I will stay with them as long as I can.

Guess not.
Work is work. Still have to go too early in the morning. I'm probably going to get a car soon, so I can get a better job. The hours have been driving me crazy. The other day I forgot my wallet and bus pass, then the next day I wore a shirt backwards for most the day. The hours are not good for my sanity.
I got a Gamecube the other day. Very addicting. Metroid Prime has taken over my life. Probably one of the greatest games of all time. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is fun, but the graphics and all the sailing get to me after a while. Mario Sunshine is good, but it takes a while to get used to the gameplay. The water pack changes everything. I think I'd rather play Mario 64 over this one. All the other games I have are ok. The only reason to have a Nintento system is for the franchise games anyways.
I'm re-reading Atlas Shrugged for the third time. I'm obsessed. There are about twenty other books I should be reading, but I'm still hooked on this one. I've been recommending this book to everyone. To bad no one is reading it.
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Have you ever considered helping out around the house instead of playing those damn video games?