"tower defense" is now customizable for level 2 users

...similarly... levels are now available to fyrebug users.

to advance in levels, you have to go get some medals (...also available!)

so, from the beginning...

going through the site and making and playing games earns you medals. for example, getting the high score in a game gets you a gold medal for that game. creating 50 items for various games gets you a larger medal. simply playing X amount of games gets you medals, as well.

every medal that you earn has a point value, and all of your medals total up to one large point value. that point value determines your level. 5 points is level 1 (you get 5 points just for registering ...aww...). 100 points is level 2, and so on.

advancing in levels not only gives you the authority, status, and elitistry to spit on the levels beneath you, but also allows you to do more on the site.

for example, right now, "tower" games are only available to be made by users who are level 2 or higher (anyone can play a tower game).

this helps give some incentive to long-time users, but also keeps the more dangerous and complex stuff (like tower) away from innocent lil newbies.

giant picture