Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
My favorite part of the Super Tuesday coverage was when they were calling states for candidates with only 3% of the votes counted.

3% is a minority. and we all know how you hate minorities.

Not just on the major networks, but on the PBS coverage as well.

you don't consider PBS a major network despite it's long history of providing quality entertainment and information to the American people? why do you hate America so much?

Here's a wild idea: Report what actually happened, instead of pre-determining the outcome.

I agree. I'm sick of these impatient forecasts. This is why I lean more and more towards newspapers. They compile their numbers and print it. 24 hour news is a joke that is destroying the way people get information, turning it into a free for all stream of thought. Remember 2000? I was watching and Gore won on the screen, i fell asleep for 20 minutes and woke up to see Bush won on the screen, then I took a brief shower and came back to see Gore had won again.
Exit polls should be illegal, releasing voting results until 100% are counted should also be illegal. Announcing the winner should be a definitive thing, not speculation.

Bow ties are coool.