Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
How can something that hasnt even been written "not make sense"?

Because I just said it didn't. Keep up!

For all you know a story could ne written that makes a hell of a lot of sense, and if you think making The Doctor a woman would add nothing to the franchise just shows how closed minded you are.

No, it just shows that I have a strong opinion (much like you), and think it's a ridiculous idea.

Changing the Doctors sex would add just as much, if not more than changing it from one white male actor to another actor.

I don't see it.

If written properly it would make more sense and maybe actual push the writers to not just rely on generic stories that are solved by a sonic screwdriver.

How the hell does making him a woman keep them from copping out with the Sonic Screwdriver? I don't see the logical connection.

Using the white male Doctor everytime is a comfort zone.

You seem to be bouncing back and forth between saying he should be a woman, and saying he should be non-white. I have no problem with a different ethnicity. I do have a problem with a different sex.

Its quite funny how you can accept that an actor you dont know, would bring something to the role

Who do I not know that I said would bring something to the role?

but you cant accept that a major shakeup of the character would bring absolutely nothing to the character, especially when you note that she is a talented actress!

I can't accept that a major shakeup would bring nothing to the character? I don't understand what you're trying to say here, man.

Closed mindedness is a funny thing, especially when you have accused other people of similar things when the didnt accept a major comic book character change, and that was after it happened and was judged of something that someone had actually read!

Calm down. Just because I disagree completely with the whole idea doesn't mean you have to get on a self-righteous soapbox and start lumping everything I've ever said into black-and-white absolutes. Because I don't like the idea doesn't mean I'm "close minded". I just think it's a nonsense idea, thought up by TPTB to "shake things up" for no apparent reason. And, I have yet to hear a logical, rational reason for why it should happen. Other than "shock" value, of course.

What it boils down to is that you have an idea of what the Doctor should be, and anything that doesnt fit into your "ideal" just isnt gonna work!

That's very close-minded of you, Cunty. Nowhere have I said anything like that. I have an idea of what the character is like, based on 40 years of the show. I just don't like the idea of randomly switching sexes like that, is all.

You're taking all of this far too hard...