Originally Posted By: the G-man
Where did Hillary get $5 million to loan a presidential campaign? ....one has to wonder whether Burkle may have attempted to float money into Hillary's campaign while bypassing campaign-finance regulations. Did the $20 million, which came just two weeks ago, actually represent a fair-market settlement for Clinton's services and ownership stake in Yucaipa? Or did Burkle inflate it in order to allow Hillary to "loan" herself $5 million to keep pace with a surging Obama campaign?

This might also explain why Hillary, unlike Obama, has refused to release her tax returns:

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton's big contributors were left stunned yesterday by her personal loan of $5 million to the campaign - with some wondering whether the move was a stunt, and others fearing their contributions were wasted on a high-priced pollster.

    The loan signaled that Clinton had burned through millions in campaign cash to fight Barack Obama to a draw on Super Tuesday - while his campaign raised $7.5 million online since Tuesday.

    Obama seized on the loan issue to pressure Clinton to release her tax returns.

    "I'll just say that I've released my tax returns - that's been a policy I've maintained consistently," Obama said.

    "I think the American people deserve to know where you get your income from."

    The Clinton camp says that it will release her returns if she wins the nomination