Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
How bout if we threaten to give her address to King Snarf?


You wouldn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I would. I have your number and sadly I also have Snarf's.

But the question is, does he have yours, and if so, how many pages in his little black book did he stretch it out to?
One number per page maybe?

Its a flip book now.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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