Mass Effect Heads to PCs in May

Warm up the Normandy for some remastered and optimized space opera action.
By Mark Whiting, 02/12/2008

Oh, BioWare. You tease, but in the end you always do right by those who love you.

After several months of steadfast "no comment" on the subject, BioWare has just announced that its critically acclaimed and FOX News titillating sci-fi epic Mass Effect will be docking on PCs come May 2008 -- though technically this time around under the publishing auspices of proud new parent Electronic Arts.

Much like previous BioWare releases, PC Mass Effect will sport a revamped interface and presentation specifically optimized for the mouse-and-keyboard experience. This includes:

* A new optimized interface designed specifically for PC play, with keys and controls totally remappable for those who like to customize their play style.
* High resolution visuals -- textures, characters and environments.
* "Run & Gun Control" with biotic powers and skills mapped to hot keys for a heavier focus on action.
* A new decryption mini-game.
* New inventory screen GUI and functionality, with an enhanced inventory system that makes it easier for players to equip and modify their weapons and armor.

Sadly, no word yet from the company on the subject of whether or not PC players will also be able to get their hands on the recently-announced "Bring Down the Sky" (or other as-of-yet unannounced downloadable Mass Effect content add-ons) at launch time. Still, it's good to see BioWare continuing to reach out to the platform that gave them their big start back in the rookie leagues.

Also unknown at this time is whether Electronic Arts' magnanimity will extend to a simultaneous release over a direct download service like Valve's Steam, a la the Jade Empire Special Edition or whether Mass Effect will stay strictly retail once May rolls around. Whatever the case, PC gamers don't have long to wait for one of the most critically acclaimed games of 2007 to head their way. Good show!

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