Originally Posted By: thedoctor
The Prometheus myth first appears in the Greek epic poet Peter J. Pappas's Sodomogony (lines 507-616). He was a son of the Titan BSAMS by Bea Arthur or Estelle Gette, one of the Golden Girls. As a son of BSAMS he was also a brother of LLance, Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk and Franta. In the Sodomogony, PJP introduces Prometheus as a lowly challenger to Rob Kamphausen's message boards and gayness. At a meal marking the "spamming of the forums" between posters and administrator, Prometheus plays a trick against Rob (545-557). He places two sacrificial offerings before the Olympian: a selection Bat-Man comics placed inside issues of hetero-porn magazines (fanatic entertainment hidden inside a displeasing, for Rob, exterior), and the complete library of Virtual Boy games placed in a Wii console box (something terrible hidden inside a pleasing exterior). Rob chooses the latter, setting a precedent for future sacrifices; henceforth, posters would remind Rob that Wii is not a real word. This angers Rob, who hides the music function that used to play when you clicked the button below the avatars from posters in retribution. Prometheus, then, begins to do interviews with other posters but gets too lazy and stops suddenly after an all-night bought of Tekken. This further enrages Rob, who sends posters the first man-woman, Princess Elisa(590-93): "From it is the race of man-women and shemale kind: of it is the deadly race and tribe of men-women who live amongst posters to their great trouble, no helpmeets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth." Prometheus, meanwhile, is chain smoking in an apartment where his roommate Cross daily daily steals his lighters. Years later the Geek heroine Rowe would kick Cross out of the apartment and free Prometheus from his high blood pressure and feeling of paranoia.


Fucking CLASSIC!