Originally Posted By: PrincessElisa

Behold the cuteness of the invitations:

What the shit is that supposed to mean? "This day I will marry my friend"? I thought a "more than friends" status was required for couples before they could marry. So what the fuck is he? Your fuck buddy? Fucking make up your mind.

And if it's supposed to mean "This day I will marry, my friend", well, where's the fucking comma, man? 'Cause those clearly aren't two separate sentences, right? Otherwise "my" would be capitalized. Come to think of it, why the shitty tit-fuck is "Friend" capitalized?! Why are you so stupid?!

And, honestly, what the fuck is that ; doing at the end? I won't even try to decypher that shit. Aren't you supposed to be a teacher? FUCK. I mean FUCK.