bsams cries for yesterday, when an Ordinary World would accept that a headband like his screamed "badass", instead of "receding hairline" or "Hispanic prison bitch".

And, what a lovely reading of "The Reflex" by crawfordcrow. The man's like Rima the Jungle Girl showing up every once in a blue moon on The Superfriends. "Who's the pretty bitch, what does she do, and why is she here?" ...Only without the "pretty" or anyone caring enough to ask the questions.

But, at least it's a distraction from the usual roster of Aquamans, Samurais, and Gleeks that pollutes this virtual cesspool. God, I hate you, RKMBs. I hate every last one of your incestuous, broken record clan.

I even hate your food for having the audacity to keep you all strong enough to continue posting, every miserable day.

In short... I wish you ill.

Time-Travelling Player Hater Extraordinaire. I hope Joe Mama comes to your house and uses your bathroom. If you cross me, I'll go back in time and pull out of your momma.