Originally Posted By: The Pun-isher
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: The Pun-isher

And now you've gone from calling dressing in traditional Somali garb "dressing like a Muslim" to "dressing like a terrorist"?

You're right, Matt. This outfit

looks nothing like this one:

What was I thinking?

What, 'cause they're both wearing turbans? Different style turbans, if you really wanna get nit-picky about it?

Sikhs wear turbans, and they're not Muslim. Heck, medieval Jews wore turbans in some places. Are you calling Jews terrorists, G-Man? Because that sounds like something a REAL Muslim terrorist would say!

Bottom line, wearing a turban has nothing to do with being Muslim, let alone a terrorist. So yeah, what WERE you thinking? )

Well, I don't think it's too outrageous to question whether Obama is an islamic Manchurian Candidate, when you combine the (1)history of his father's side of the family, combined (2)with that he spent a fair part of his formative years in Islamic countries, (3)combined with the fact that his parents named him the islamic-sounding Barack Hussein Obama, combined (4)with his dressing in what in this modern age is clearly Islamic clothing.
If Obama were a lifelong Christian such as W. Bush or Bill Clinton, or George H.W. Bush, or Ronald Reagan, or Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, etc., then yeah, I'd say his wearing muslim clothing didn't raise a serious question about his possibly being a closet muslim.

But when you combine that clothing with his name, and time spent in the muslim world, I think it's legitimate to raise the question. And it's on Obama to prove that he isn't a closet muslim. I'm not saying that Obama definitely is a muslim, but there's enough oddness about it surrounding Obama that it's legitimate for his opponents to raise the question and force Obama to explain himself.