Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
MEM, at this point, the only way she "finish(es) the rookie off" is with super delegates, correct?

Both of them now require super delegates to finish the other off.


I have to start agreeing with G-Man in your single mindedness towards Hillary Clinton.

OK -- so before this week's primaries, Obama had 1,192 pledged delegates, and she had 1,036. On Tuesday, she won in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island, and MSNBC estimates that after the results have been fully tabulated, she'll have eroded Obama's original 156-delegate lead by ... somewhere between seven and 13 pledged delegates.


And the fact that all week, she's heaped more praise on John McCain while trying her best to destroy obama suggests that she'd be happier if McCain became president than if Obama beat her. It's her as the Democratic candidate or NO ONE. Is that the candidate you support?

The whisper campaign that she used to win Ohio has now turned completely on it's ear. It turns out that in fact it was the Clinton campaign that reassured Canada that the anti-NAFTA talk was just that, talk. Not the Obama campaign. I wonder if Ohio wishes they could re-vote since it was suggestions of Obama being secretly PRO-NAFTA that helped torpedo him there. Of course this sort of duplicity and outright lies doesn't seem to matter to Clinton I'm sure. The ends justify the means and talk of change is just that, talk. Just like any Republican. Is this the Democrat you support?

Who said what on NAFTA?

Posted by Scott Helman, Political Reporter March 6, 2008 06:55 PM

Just when you thought "NAFTA-gate" -- the flap over reassuring remarks a Barack Obama adviser reportedly made about NAFTA to Canadian officials -- couldn't get more confusing, it just did.

The Globe and Mail, the Canadian daily, published this story yesterday suggesting that someone in the Hillary Clinton orbit told Canadian officials not to fret about the anti-NAFTA rhetoric the Democratic candidates were dispensing liberally on the campaign trail. Canada cares about such things because a change to NAFTA would affect trade between the two countries.

This is exactly what Obama's adviser, Austan Goolsbee, stands accused of doing: Telling Canadian officials in an informal meeting that the anti-NAFTA rhetoric was merely "political positioning," in the words of a government official who wrote up a memo about it. Clinton and her campaign hit Obama hard over this, accusing of Obama of saying one thing about NAFTA publicly and another thing privately.

On that point about Hillary acting like a Republican. It makes perfect sense to me. If you recall, I questioned James Carville's Democratic credentials over his hissy fit over the outrage of the Democrats doing so well in the '06 election. He was absolutely livid. A Democratic pundit and strategist incensed that the Democrats beat the snot out of the GOP in the election, despite his years of bad counsel and bad strategies. This is a guy that is tied to the Clinton's. This is a DLC Democrat (like Clinton, Rahm Emmanuel, Joe Liebrman & Harold Ford)

Y'know. I don't trust these people. I don't trust them to have any sort of substantive change on their agendas, I don't trust them to have what is best for the nation and certainly for the Democratic Party in mind and I certainly don't see them as rooting for Democratic Party success. Hillary, in her high praise for the OPPONENT OVER THAT OF HER FELLOW DEMOCRAT, certainly displays that crystal clear. If anything, I've always seen these DLC types as either sly saboteurs or else just the tools that the monied elite and their lobbyists guarantee that their interests will win out no matter who wins.

As with Nixon, just follow the money...

Clinton's chief strategist,( the ever so slimy Mark Penn - whomod) was not only her campaign's leading advocate for the recent Obama attacks -- but was also the CEO of a public affairs firm whose DC-based lobbying subsidiary was headed up by John McCain's top adviser.

Would you say this posed at least the appearance of a conflict of interest for the strategist in question?

Hillary Clinton's chief strategist is Mark Penn, and Charlie Black, John McCain's top adviser, is chairman of BKSH, the DC-based lobbying subsidiary of Burson-Marsteller -- of which Mark Penn is CEO.

Yes, this is the same lobbyist Barack Obama was referring to when he criticized John McCain for allowing lobbyists to conduct their business on board his bus.

BKSH is a bipartisan lobbying firm. Black, the chairman is the top Republican. The top Democrat is R. Scott Pastrick, who like Penn, supports Hillary Clinton.

Mark Penn's personal interests would clearly be best served by a Hillary Clinton victory.

A McCain presidency wouldn't be a bad consolation prize, however. It would be far better to have the head of his lobbying be tight with the president than to have a president like Obama who sought to impose new restrictions on his lobbyist operation.

Burson-Marsteller's work is primarily for corporations, ranging from Blackwater to Microsoft to the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, the sovereign wealth fund of the government of Abu Dhabi that recently purchased a 5% stake in Citigroup.

As Ari Berman's Hillary, Inc. details, there's every reason to be skeptical of Mark Penn's willingness to help Democrats. He's criticized Al Gore for running to far to the left in 2000 and when he was brought into the Clinton's orbit by Dick Morris, he wasn't even a political operative.

As the New York Times has reported, Mark Penn is the leading advocate within the Hillary Clinton campaign for her decision to go nuclear on Barack Obama.

But MEM, does that not matter to you? That Obama represents a REAL substantive THREAT to these people? THIS is exactly the reason he electrifies people and inspires a LOT of people in the first place. And Hilary is willing to help the Republicans bloody up Obama to paraphrase F*&ING RUSH LIMBAUGH!

Look, half the country already hates Hillary. But nobody hates Obama yet. Hillary is going to be the one to have to bloody him up politically."

You may have been right all along, Hillary: There is a vast right-wing conspiracy. The thing is, you've just become their not-so-secret weapon.