ALBANY, N.Y. - New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's connection to a prostitution ring could mean bad news for presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, who needs every superdelegate vote she can get.
Spitzer, a Clinton supporter, remains a superdelegate only as long as he is governor, according to Democratic National Committee rules.
Spitzer is under pressure to resign after a public apology Monday that didn't elaborate on his involvement in the prostitution ring.
If he quits, Lt. Gov. David Paterson would be the next in line. Paterson is already a superdelegate, so Clinton would be down a delegate.
Sen. Barack Obama leads with 1,578 delegates to Clinton's 1,468. They need 2,025 to win the nomination.
Again, the issue is judgment. Being a superdelegate for Hillary shows poor poor judgement. Oh yeah, and soliciting hookers only compounds the evidence.