Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
I like Norton but I thought the CGI was shitty. Why can't they get this right?
Because a CG person (and Hulk may be Green, but he's still a "person") in a live action movie is still harder than it looks. If you think of the best CG work in a live action film (Gollum, King Kong, Jurassic Park) its always a nonhuman. Conversely the best realized CG people are usually in all CG movies (Beowulf, for example). Either way, it stands out less than trying to put a completely CG human in a non CG movie.
If the producers were smart, what they'd have done was actually get a big guy like Lou Ferrigno, paint him up green, etc., and then digitally enlarge him to seven feet tall, sort of the reverse of what was done with the Hobbits.
That being said, I do think this Hulk looks waaay better than the one in Ang Lee's version. At least this one looks like a classic Herb Trimpe Hulk and not Shrek.