One of the things that Ann mentions in her editorial is something I've noticed not to many others have picked up on:
  • There's no prettifying what Spitzer has done. The Web site of the "Emperors Club VIP" whorehouse patronized by Spitzer heroically claims the prostitutes -- or "models" -- are chosen for their "level of education, family background, intelligence, personality."

    Surprising no one, police wiretaps indicate that the "models" were semi-literate, could not learn to swipe a credit card and seemed invariably to be on drugs. That's what you get for $2,000 an hour in this charming business.

    After one prostitute missed an appointment and left a "crazy" text message for one of her pimps, the procurer remarks that the girl is on drugs. It seems, the procurer adds, "a lot of these girls deteriorate to this point."

The hooker Spitzer had was advertised as a 24 year old college graduate by the service. She was a 22 year old who ran away from home and was probably a high school drop out. It makes you wonder about the backgrounds of the other "high class" prostitutes and even whether they were all of legal age.