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 Originally Posted By: rex
Isn't she a little old for you?

The last three women I've dated over the last 7 years (most recent, going backward: )





The youngest girl I've dated since I graduated college was 19, when I was 30, and that took a lot of persistent interest on her part for it to happen.

I've never dated or had relations with a minor, except when I was a minor.

I guess all these publishers of nude centerfolds are pedophiles too, since they generally photograph and publish women in the 18 to 23 range. I don't look at anything that's illegal.

And glass houses like yourself, who masturbate regularly into crusty socks, shouldn't be throwing stones.

I have a real life, dating real women (not girls). What about you?

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Rex made me cry so I'm gonna call him a sockfucker because I can't think of anything clever

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 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Rex made me cry so I'm gonna call him a sockfucker because I can't think of anything clever

Oh, the irony...

Your lack of originality amazes me sometimes.
And in the end... you're still a sockfucker with nothing to say.

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You just called me a sockfucker and you think I'm unoriginal?

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I doubt there's another sockfucker on this planet, rex.

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You really are dense, aren't you?

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
Isn't she a little old for you?

The last three women I've dated over the last 7 years of age.Their moms were (most recent, going backward: )





The last time I dated WAS WHEN i got kicked out of college and I was 19, when I was 30 i dated again, and that took a lot of money on my part for it to happen.

I've never dated or had relations with a willing woman, except when I was a minor.

I guess all these publishers of nude centerfolds are pedophiles too, since they generally photograph and publish women in the 18 to 23 range. I don't look at anything that's legal.

And glass houses like yourself, who masturbate regularly into crusty socks, shouldn't be throwing stones.

I have a no real real life, dating real girls (not women). What about you? Would you date me?

Sorry,Wondie. I have no problems with you. It was just to much temptation to pass up that quote.

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I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I doubt there's another sockfucker on this planet, rex.

Oh, I don't know about that. I wouldn't knock it until you've tried it.

Pimping my site, again.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

More photos of everyone's favorite media-sensation call-girl.

Her mom must be so proud !

Depends what your attitude is to prostitution. I wouldn't like my daughters to grow up and enter that profession (they could be lawyers instead, after all) but I don't condemn someone for that lifestyle provided that its by their own choice and isn't linked to a habit (which often it is).

Similarly, while I condemn Elliot S. for breaking the law, I think anti-prostiution laws are dumb.

Pimping my site, again.

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Today's New York Times reports that prosecutors are looking into whether or not Spitzer was misusing campaign funds to pay for his trysts.

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A perspective I'd thought of, but hadn't seen expressed till now...

  • Elliot Spitzer: The Man [apparently] Without A Party
    by Seton Motley

    Ronald Reagan often said “I did not leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.”

    For floundering and foundering New York Governor Eliot Spitzer -- a twist on the Gipper’s words. Spitzer didn’t leave the Democratic Party: the Media just didn’t see the need to mention the fact that Spitzer was -- at least until noon Wednesday -- one of the most powerful Democrats in the nation.

    On Monday afternoon, the Big Three Networks (NBC, ABC and CBS) and the Associated Press led the charge of the wall-to-wall coverage of the breaking news that Spitzer was involved with an interstate prostitution ring. And with near unanimity they failed to mention that Spitzer is a Democrat.

    Spitzer -- who since his years as the Big Apple’s swashbuckling anti-capitalist Attorney General the Press has glowingly called the Champion of the Everyman -- was caught on one or more wiretaps dialing for damsels to the tune of $5,500 an hour.

    Only the press can fail to see the irony of calling someone who inherited $500 million -- and who hires ladies of the evening at hourly rates equal to a semester’s tuition at a state university -- a champion of the everyman.

    Ronald Reagan also said, “It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.” Spitzer has finally, formally joined the two in the latest installment of the late New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s on-going game show “Defining Deviancy Down.”

    The media, as expected, inundated us with Spitzer stories. They went on and on at great length analyzing the merest minutiae and every detail related to the Spitzer saga – save one. Nearly all their reports were bereft of any mention that he is a (shhh!) Democrat.

    NBC has been the worst offender. They have not -- as of early Wednesday morning -- yet labeled Spitzer as a Democrat in any manner.

    They led off their Monday Nightly News cast with “Fall From Grace”, a four minute story on Spitzer that made no mention -- in either word or graphic -- of the fact that he is a Democrat. Tuesday morning on their Today show they ran eleven Spitzer stories -- in none of them did they label him a Democrat in any way. Tuesday’s evening news again made no mention of Spitzer’s Party affiliation, but somehow managed to verbally and graphically identify Republicans in their story on Spitzer.

    That is thirteen NBC stories on Spitzer over nearly two full days, with no reference whatsoever to him as a Democrat.

    ABC fared just barely better. Through Tuesday night, no one on either World News Tonight or Good Morning America said the word “Democrat” in reference to Spitzer. Two times for a total of six seconds -- once on Monday night and once on Tuesday morning -- a “D” was placed by his name in an on-screen graphic.

    Like NBC, they too identified Republicans in their Spitzer stories as Republicans, and managed the added coup of assailing the Rs as partisan for wanting the apparently unaffiliated Spitzer to resign.

    Congratulations ABC, for being six seconds more credible than NBC.

    This is devolving into the network news equivalent of the Gong Show, where one utterly miserable contestant takes some sort of perverse pride in being gonged six seconds later than another utterly miserable contestant.

    Hurrahs to CBS’s Katie Couric, who on her Evening News actually called Spitzer a Democrat once. But the glory soon faded, as no one on Tuesday morning’s Early Show did, relying on two spots totaling fourteen seconds worth of graphically delivered “D”s, and diminished further still with Tuesday night’s news also failing to deliver the label.


    Our old friend, the Associated Press, broke the story with 590 words Monday afternoon, without any Spitzer Party mention. They then came back with a “BREAKING NEWS UPDATE” -- perhaps it had come to their attention that he is in fact a Democrat? Alas, no. Eighty-six additional words, nary a “Democrat” amongst them.

    Another, related question also remains unanswered -- of what Party affiliation is Customer #9 (Spitzer’s Emperor Club call-sign)’s favorite girl, Kristen? The Media may very well deliver this before they do Spitzer’s party.

    And this is by no means the first time that a Democrat in hot water is transformed by the Media as if by magic into Unaffiliated Man.

    Recall Gary Condit, the California DEMOCRATIC Congressman who in 2001 ran into trouble when his Capitol Hill intern and secret paramour Chandra Levy turned up missing and later dead? The Big Three Networks ran a total of 179 stories over the course of the saga -- only 14 contained a reference to him as a Democrat, less than 8%.

    And current DEMOCRATIC Mayor of Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick -- embroiled in a sex scandal involving his chief-of-staff -- has been repeatedly delivered to the public as Unaffiliated Man by Media outlets great and small since the story broke in January.

    Just more episodes in the never-ending Gong Show -- Media series. (The real) Gong Show host Chuck Barris, somewhere, is smiling.


    Mr. Motley is the Director of Communications for the Media Research Center. If you like, or dislike, he may be reached electronically at

What a contrast to the gleeful coverage of **Republican SEXUAL PREDATOR** Mark Foley a year ago, that never missed an opportunity to label Foley as a Republican, and far beyond that, endlessly suggested a larger conspiracy by the Republican Party as a whole to protect Foley, almost entirely with only slanderous innuendo, and without the slightest evidence.

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 Originally Posted By: rex
Isn't she a little old for you?

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I have a no real real life, dating real girls (not women). What about you? Would you date me?

 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People

Sorry,Wondie. I have no problems with you. It was just to much temptation to pass up that quote.

Some funny ad-libbing of yours at the end of my quote there, Lothar.

But while Rex is clearly totally gay for me... sorry, but the feeling's not mutual.

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Nobody Was More Stunned By Spitzer's Vice Than His Staff

Aides say he seemed an uptight moralist

Updated: 03/16/08 10:39 AM
Associated Press

ALBANY — Over the years, Eliot Spitzer often showed his staff new photographs of his wife. In public, the couple held hands.

At night on the road, aides recalled, Spitzer was on the phone, helping his three teenage daughters with their homework.

Aides who pointed out a pretty woman walking by in the Capitol were quickly rebuked, told to grow up and think about their work.

When office talk digressed into rumors of state officials having extramarital affairs, Spitzer appeared shocked.

“That’s appalling,” he said to an aide, expressing his moral outrage. “Do you think that could be true?”

So when Eliot Spitzer, whose political career rose by accusing others of behaving unethically as well as criminally, last week was toppled because of his involvement with a prostitution ring, those closest to him thought they were dreaming.

And all week, those same people say they lay awake at night, trying to think back to any signs they might have missed. Were there any hints of his horrible secret?

There weren’t any, the people who worked closely with Spitzer over the years insist.

But there is little doubt now that the disgraced governor had his demons.

Were they in full public view for years?

The traits that propelled him into the governor’s mansion and led to talk of him someday being president — competitive, driven, intense — now might be looked at in a different way.

Disagree with his policies, and Spitzer called into question your morality.

Oppose his proposal, and you were “right-wing fearmongers.”

Question him, and Spitzer said he was a “f . . . steamroller.”

Dr. Steve Dubovsky, chairman of the psychiatry department at the University at Buffalo, would not speak specifically about Spitzer.

But generally, he said, people who express claims of being smarter, more moral, more ethical often can have secrets in their lives “and end up in major moral, ethical failings.”

“When they get into a position of authority, they sometimes use that position to make themselves feel better, and they can only do well by other people doing badly,” Dubovsky said. “So you end up with black or white moral imperatives, where anyone who doesn’t agree with me is a communist, or a terrorist, or a racist, or fill in the blank.”

‘Unethical’ enemies

It was in 1998 when the first news account surfaced of Spitzer using the ethics card.

In the race for attorney general, he said the patronage hiring practices of incumbent Dennis Vacco were “unethical,” even though it turned out later that Spitzer was financing his own campaign with improper loans and gifts from his wealthy father.

As attorney general, the ethics train continued.

In his Wall Street battles, executives weren’t just accused of breaking laws but of committing cardinal sins.

His legal style was simple: leak damaging information to a reporter to embarrass a firm or executive, threaten big fines or jail, and then negotiate plea deals.

It often worked, giving him the “Sheriff of Wall Street” tag and national fame.

Sometimes, though, it didn’t work, including a case against a broker whom Spitzer threatened to arrest in front of his pregnant wife and child, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Another famous threat was made against John Whitehead, a former Wall Street executive who was running the state’s redevelopment efforts in Lower Manhattan after the World Trade Center attacks.

When Whitehead criticized Spitzer in print, Spitzer called him and, according to Whitehead, said, “I will be coming after you. You will pay the price.”

Spitzer acknowledged his passionate ways, saying last year his penchant for speaking his mind “is perhaps embedded in my DNA.”

So, too, is control, a tough trait in politics with so many competing interests and players. Still, he tried, but didn’t always succeed.

At a public meeting of legislators in his office last year, when he was questioned, the governor snapped. “This is my room, and we’re going to play by my rules,” he told them.

He said his latest budget did not raise taxes, but it did — by more than $1 billion.

Last year, he told the New York Post that the budget was passed on time. When it was pointed out it was a day late, he disagreed. “It’s all in the eye of the beholder,” he said, “and since I’m the beholder, I’m telling you it’s on time.”

Nor has Spitzer been able to recognize that there might be more options than yes or no, or right versus wrong on a particular issue.

No place was that more clear than during the summer-long fight over his plan to allow illegal aliens to obtain New York State driver’s licenses.

He called those who op- posed his proposal — including many in his own party — “right-wing fearmongers.”

And after being forced to reluctantly drop the idea, Spitzer was furious behind the scenes. His angry reaction to people who opposed his ideas, one source said, was always the same:

“How can they not embrace the logic of our position?”

‘Father issues’

Some people look to Spitzer’s background, trying to find answers.

“He has serious father issues,” a lobbyist close to Spitzer said last year.

Spitzer is a millionaire who went to a tony prep school, attended Princeton and Harvard Law School, and lives in a posh apartment near Central Park in New York City.

Spitzer’s father, who was poor but today is worth an estimated $500 million from a real estate business, drove young Eliot hard.

When Spitzer was just 5 years old, he begged his parents to take him skiing with his siblings in the Catskills. They packed the car and headed up the Thruway to Belleayre Mountain. His first time on skis, Spitzer was taken to the beginner hill.

“We’ll be back at lunch,” Spitzer’s parents said as they walked off, leaving him to learn on his own.

Years later, when he told his parents that he had made the Harvard Law Review, they responded that they were surprised, given how bad his handwriting was, a source said.

He can poke fun at himself but typically offers quick clarifications.

Before a group of scientists, for instance, Spitzer noted their abilities over his. But, he quickly added that he took advanced physics in high school and then tossed out a few scholarly terms for added measure.

And his style of humor often is found in making fun of others.

A few days before the sex scandal broke, Spitzer introduced the state’s new author laureate, Mary Gordon.

He began by noting his wife, who was sitting on the stage, had majored in Shakespeare in college. She reminded him it was English.

“She’s erudite, some of us are not,” Spitzer corrected himself.

He followed that by poking fun at the Albany mayor in the audience, saying, “Jerry [Jennings] and I often get together and discuss great works of literature, don’t we Jerry?”

Spitzer then told the audience that he had never read any of Mary Gordon’s books, remarking that her books are on his wife’s side of the bed and “she occasionally grinds through them.”

“I will read them, I promise, because it is now incumbent upon me to do so. I will be quizzed by some mean-spirited member of the media at some point a few months from now,” he concluded.

Just plain mean

To his allies, Spitzer is aggressive. To many others, he is just mean.

In what appeared to be a polite gesture, he invited Gov. George E. Pataki to his inaugural last year in Albany.

But during his address, Spitzer compared the state’s leadership under Pataki to Rip Van Winkle.

He also has called Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, 78, a “senile piece of s . . .” and, in private, according to Bruno, “threatened to knock me out.”

He described himself to a lawmaker as “f . . . steamroller.”

Even when he said he wanted to make amends or declare a truce, Spitzer has been unable to do it sincerely or with grace.

For instance, after his administration was discovered last year trying to smear Bruno by having the state police track his travels, Spitzer said it was time to move on and get along for the public’s sake.

But soon after, he quietly asked Democrats in the State Senate to write a letter to the IRS, asking for a probe of Bruno’s travels.

In an earlier fight, Spitzer offered an olive branch, sending roses to Bruno. But instead of a dozen, he sent eight roses and tossed in a comment about how he intended to gain control of the Republican-led Senate.

Behind the mask

In the aftermath of last week’s scandal, some people close to Spitzer say there were sides of him no one knew — except Spitzer.

They wondered how he could call it immoral for married men to have girlfriends but then take elaborate steps to hook up with prostitutes.

Dubovsky, the UB psychiatry department chairman, said doing dangerous things can become a game, where going to a prostitute, for example, is not just about sex.

“Generally, the more controlling people are the ones [in whom it is] more likely you’ll see this other side to them,” he said. “They are thrill seekers.”

He also said that it is possible for a person the keep the darkest of secrets from even the closest of friends or advisers. It is not unusual, Dubovsky said, for such people to have another “pretend life.”

“There is a group of people who can split off a part of their life and keep it secret,” Dubovsky. “Whenever you see someone holier than thou, there’s generally something major they are hiding.”

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The new governor, apparently deciding to defuse the issue, is admitting that he cheated on his wife too.

I have now lost all respect for this guy. Not because he fucked another woman. But because he's BLIND. He had the best "get out of jail free" card there is. All he had to do was claim "uh, honey, I thought it WAS you."

But, anyway, congratulations to our new, blind, black governor Ray Charles I mean Stevie Wonder ...uh, David Patterson.

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"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller

"Conan, what's the meaning of life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
-Conan the Barbarian

"Well, yeah."
-Jason E. Perkins

"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents."
-Ultimate Jaburg53

"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise."

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 Originally Posted By: Angry Drunk G-man
The new governor, apparently deciding to defuse the issue, is admitting that he cheated on his wife too.

I have now lost all respect for this guy. Not because he fucked another woman. But because he's BLIND. He had the best "get out of jail free" card there is. All he had to do was claim "uh, honey, I thought it WAS you."

But, anyway, congratulations to our new, blind, black governor Ray Charles I mean Stevie Wonder ...uh, David Patterson.

Actually it was a mutual infidelity.

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that's my 401k company!

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 Originally Posted By: Whomod infidelity...

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
that's my 401k company!

It took a while to pick up on that one-liner, BSAMS. But well played.

Ashley Dupree is expanding her 15 minutes of fame to a few weeks.
Today's announcement is that "Girls Gone Wild" was going to offer her a million dollars for some raunchy video clips... until they found out they already videotaped her back in 2003, and have several full tapes of her semi-nude sexual antics. Which Girls Gone Wild will probably be exploiting for years on their website.

That's in addition to million-dollar offers from HUSTLER and PENTHOUSE, which should keep Ms. Dupree in the spotlight for many months to come.

More Girls Gone Wild still photos and clips of Dupree HERE

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Looks like Spitzer's successor, David Paterson, has some "women problems" of his own:

  • Gov. Paterson spent thousands of dollars in campaign funds on personal items like hotel stays, men's suits, home furnishings and bar tabs, documents released Friday show.

    He also dramatically changed his story about why his campaign paid one of his former girlfriends $500, with aides saying he'd "misstated" the first explanation.

    Paterson's aides defended his behavior, insisting none of the expenditures was improper because everything was repaid.

    Politicians are barred from using campaign funds for personal expenses. Paterson has said he may have "inadvertently" used his campaign credit card when his personal card didn't work.

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Geez, this gets wilder all the time.

Paterson's story seems to be changing about his affairs and how he pays for them.

While there's no open call for Paterson's impeachment or resignation yet, there is apparently enough concern that lawyers for the state are researching the line of succession for what happens if the new governor has to leave office too.

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Gov. Hilary!

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Disgraced former Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been identified as a long-standing client of a second high-priced call-girl ring, The Post has learned.

The ex-governor regularly patronized Wicked Models, the Manhattan-based operation taken down Tuesday, according to financial documents and other evidence unearthed in a yearlong prostitution in vestigation, law-enforcement sources said.

At the center of the new ring is Kristin "Billie" Davis, a busty bottle blonde who hails from a ough-and-tumble California trailer park. She has a reputation for hard-partying, shameless self-promotion and a rumored 10,000-name-long client list.

Davis' alleged multimillion-dollar empire was smashed by city vice cops as she made plans to skip town. Prosecutors say she netted some $2 million last year by pimping out ladies of the night for as much as $1,000 an hour through four Web sites.

They noted she has openly boasted of total earnings of $6 million, and has been in operation since at least 2004.

Davis, 32, pleaded not guilty to money laundering and promoting prostitution in Manhattan Supreme Court yesterday and was held on $2-million bail. She faces 15 years in prison if convicted of running the ring, which also allegedly operated the Madison La A'mour and New York Body Miracle agencies.

A source said Davis personally serviced Spitzer.

"She personally interfaced with Spitzer a number of times" since 2003 before she became a madam, a source close to Davis said.

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New York Post:
  • A second call girl has provided federal investigators with details of Eliot Spitzer's fondness for high-priced hookers, law-enforcement sources told The Post.

    The lady of the night, who was intimately acquainted with the disgraced governor's pay-for-play sessions, backs up details given to the feds by Ashley Alexandra Dupre, 22, a bombshell brunette who allegedly was a favorite Spitzer hooker, the sources said.

    Law-enforcement sources said Spitzer didn't like to wear a condom.

    The second hooker-informant also told investigators Spitzer was fond of using sex toys to enhance his own pleasure, the sources said.

    "The full portrait of Mr. Spitzer's sexual interests has yet to be told," one source said.

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Risking impeachment, Ohio's attorney general on Monday refused demands from the governor and other fellow Democrats that he resign over a sexual harassment scandal in his office and an affair with a subordinate.

Gov. Ted Strickland told reporters that Democrats will begin drafting an impeachment resolution against Attorney General Marc Dann right away. Republican House Speaker Jon Husted said Monday that his chamber — which takes the first step in any impeachment — was already reviewing the process.

Virtually every state-level Democratic officeholder urged Dann to resign in a letter late Sunday after Strickland tried twice during the day to persuade him to leave office.

A sexual harassment investigation uncovered an atmosphere in Dann's office rife with inappropriate staff-subordinate relationships, heavy drinking and harassing and threatening behavior by a supervisor. On Friday, Dann admitted to an extramarital affair with a subordinate after the investigation threatened to reveal the relationship.

"I would hope the Attorney General will understand that his effectiveness as an attorney general has been so diminished that in my judgment he can no longer effectively serve in that office," Strickland said Monday. The governor and Dann were among many Ohio Democrats swept into office in 2006 in the wake of a Republican scandal over state investments.

"I think it's important for Democrats to send a very clear message that we will clean our own house," Strickland said.

For impeachment proceedings to go forward, Dann must have committed a wrong act, according to the state constitution. Strickland declined to say what act or acts Democrats planned to name against Dann in the proceedings.

"The work of the Office of the Attorney General matters more, and is far more important, than any one person," Democrats said in their letter to Dann. "In many, many cases it is all that stands between the people and the powerful. Sadly, we no longer have even the most remote hope that you can continue to effectively serve as Attorney General and that is why we are asking for your resignation."

Dann had previously conceded that his own behavior contributed to an atmosphere in the office that permitted two junior staffers to be harassed and threatened by Anthony Gutierrez, a friend he hired as an aide.

However, Dann insisted he is still capable of working as the state's lawyer and top law enforcement officer.

"I am in the office, have rolled up my sleeves and am working on behalf of the people of State of Ohio," Dann said Monday in a written statement to his staff. In the statement, he apologized to them for putting them in a tough position but added, "our work is too important to do anything but our jobs today."

A message seeking further comment was left Monday with Dann spokesman Ted Hart.

Strickland said that in his failed attempts to persuade Dann to resign, "he told me that he does not believe that he has done anything that would justify his leaving office, that he feels that he was elected by the people and he will continue to do his best to remain in office," Strickland said.

Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern said the party voted Saturday to rescind its endorsement of Dann and pull all party resources from him, which would make him "essentially an independent." He said Dann will find it difficult to be effective.

"We will distance ourselves both figuratively and literally from the Attorney General until he makes the decision that is best for the people of the state of Ohio, and that is to step down," Redfern said.

Gutierrez was fired Friday after an internal investigation found his treatment of two 26-year-old employees violated sexual harassment policy. Communications Director Leo Jennings, who was accused of asking a co-worker to lie under oath, also was fired. Ed Simpson, Dann's policy chief, resigned; investigators said he failed to address inappropriate behavior in the office.

Dann, who is married, apologized to his wife and supporters Friday for having an affair with an employee he refused to name.

Dann's scheduler, Jessica Utovich, 28, resigned last week without explanation. In his testimony during the investigation, Dann said Utovich sometimes spent the night at his apartment but declined to talk about his relationship with her specifically.

Dann had lived with Gutierrez and Jennings at an apartment during much of his first year in office and some of the alleged harassment by Gutierrez occurred there.

Strickland said, as a congressman, he opposed former President Bill Clinton's impeachment. But he said the two situations are "dramatically different." His request for Dann to resign is not based substantially on his extramarital affair, Strickland said.

"It goes well beyond that. It involves many, many factors that are much more complicated than that," he said.

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New York Post:
  • The feds tightened the noose on ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer yesterday, as the booker who set up his trysts with hookers pleaded guilty and agreed to spill the beans to a grand jury.

    Temeka Lewis, 32, 'fessed up to prostitution and money-laundering charges and promised to tell the feds everything she knows about the Emperors Club VIP, including a blow-by-blow description of Spitzer's dealings with hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre, a k a "Kristen."

    In copping her plea, Lewis said she arranged for hookers to cross state lines and instructed multiple clients to make payments to QAT, "directing them to conceal what it was actually for."

    The charges carry a maximum prison term of 25 years.

    Agnifilo estimated that Lewis would likely have faced 16 months behind bars under federal sentencing guidelines, if not for her agreement to cooperate in the probe.

    Following the plea, the judge denied an unusual request by Lewis' lawyer to keep her cooperation deal a secret by sealing court papers that spell out the agreement.

Personally, I think the resignation was probably punishment enough and they should leave him be. However, based on this, I'd bet they're going after him for money laundering and wire fraud.

I have a feeling that Spitz is about to know what its like to get a very expensive fucking without a condom himself.

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it's nice to be rich and powerful, people think being shamed is punishment enough, whe your joe schmoe, prison is punishment enough...

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New York Post
  • The mother of the high-priced hooker who famously serviced Eliot Spitzer was stunned yesterday to learn the disgraced pol is mulling a run for office less than two years after the sordid sex scandal.

    "Only in America," Ashley Dupre's mom, Carolyn Capalbo, told The Post.

    While Spitzer is discussing the possibility of a run next year, Dupre -- who was 22 when the self-described "steamroller" of Albany paid to play with her -- is struggling to get back on her feet, said Capalbo.

    "I really can't blame him, but at the same time, my daughter's having a rough go," she said at the beach, near her home in Wall. "I can imagine she's not happy about it."

    "He has more credibility than a 22-year-old," Ashley's mom said in disbelief.

    Capalbo said her daughter had turned down lucrative offers to make a buck off of the scandal, including posing for nudie mags.

    Spitzer left office in 2008 after it was revealed he paid $4,300 to bed the prostitute he knew as "Kristen." The Post reported yesterday that he was discussing getting back into elected office.

    "The woman always ends up the filthy, marked whore and he ends up coming back the savior of politics," said a disgusted pal of Dupre. "I feel bad for her. She's the one who paid the price for it."

    The Post reported yesterday that Spitzer has been engaged in informal discussions with friends about the possibility of running for state comptroller, or for US Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's seat.

    The news that the fierce-tempered former governor could be jumping back into politics had tongues wagging from Albany to the Upper East Side -- and Democrats fearing it could drag the whole ticket down in 2010.

    "It's crazy, but he's crazy. So it's certainly possible," said a prominent pol.

    "Can you imagine all the Democratic candidates next year, Cuomo, Paterson, whoever, being asked if they want Spitzer on their ticket? It would be a major embarrassment."

    A backer from when he was elected in 2006 said: "Spitzer's political currency was his moral integrity. He forfeited it. The issue wasn't the prostitution but the hypocrisy. He needs to find something else to do."

    Meanwhile, Gov. Paterson said he'd heard nothing from his old running mate about a possible return to public life.

    As for his feeling about a Spitzer candidacy, he joked, "I didn't hear [him talking about running for] governor, so it's all right with me."

    A giddy-looking Spitzer, leaving his Fifth Avenue home yesterday morning, told a Post photographer, "The only thing I'm running for is my cab."

    He denied to NY1 that he was running for office.

    However, several sources said Spitzer has been having conversations with friends about running for office next year. Several sources said he'd love his old job back as state attorney general, but it's considered too tough a political lift.

    "He's looked at everything," said one source.

That's the mom in the pic, by the way. Holy MILF, Batman.

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I think it's terrible if the public re-elects Spitzer after the whole deal. At the same time, the chick's mom and friends need to come to terms with the fact that she was a whore. And wasn't the reason she turned down the nudie mags was because she was holding out for more money and not due to some moral superiority?

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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I seriously doubt Spitzer would get re-elected. If nothing else a lot of people in his own party hated him and would probably throw up roadblocks.

You make a good point about Dupre's mother, et al. However, at the same time, the mother does make one good point, namely, it took two to tango here. One was a 20 year old whore. The other was a 48 year old whore-monger.

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He can keep the 22 year old. I'll take her mother.

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Spitzer: Why I liked ho's
  • Eliot Spitzer says buying sex from hookers was less of a "violation" of his marriage than a love affair with an "emotional component" would have been.

    Spitzer made the remark in a recent Time magazine interview for a piece that doesn't delve into the current crisis roiling Albany.

    Asked about the perception that wife Silda -- who insisted on therapy for both of them -- has forgiven him, Spitzer replied:

    "I don't know if you can ever mend something like this, in the sense of repair the canvas so that you never see the tear in the fabric. I'm incredibly lucky to be with a woman who is willing to deal with that tear in the fabric and keep moving forward."

    Asked why not just have an affair, instead of going to hookers, Spitzer said, "I know this is parsing it very thin, but the emotional component would have in some ways been a worse violation."

    As to future political plans, Spitzer, 50, acknowledged the effect a campaign would have on his healing family.

    "You have to understand what my family would go through," he said. "It would be unbearable. I just couldn't do that to them. It would be day after day of the ugly stuff."

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