Like I said earlier...

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I said it privately to another of the Democrats here:

The Democrats have screwed themselves. They changed the rules, and whether they stick to excluding Florida and Michigan primary votes, or arrange some compromise, or have another primary in both states, not matter what neither Hillary or Obama will recognize the result as legitimate if either one loses, and their supporters will be pissed off and reject the result as well.

Obama's people will call it "racist".

Hillary's people will say it was done in a way that favors Obama.

The only possible cure is to have a Hillary/Obama ticket, or an Obama/Hillary ticket. And frankly, I see peace in the Middle East as more likely.

Florida's not having another Democratic Primary is the right choice. Any further changing of the rules will just de-legitimize the result, whichever way it falls.

The only problem is, I don't think a decision by the delegates at the DNC convention will be looked at by whoever loses (Hillary or Obama) as a legitimate decision either.
Increasingly, I dislike Obama as a posturing liar who tries to hide his true record. I hope his candidacy implodes, and leaves Hillary as the last woman standing. That would be a result that eliminates questions of legitimacy or favoritism, and lets it clearly fall one way or the other.