Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Without a rule-change to include votes from Michigan and Florida, Obama will inevitably have more votes than Hillary. Even though his is the more wounded candidacy at this point (Rev. Wright, close association with the indicted Tony Rezko, Obama's insincerity regarding NAFTA in communication with the Canadian government, and lying to American voters, his evasive voting record, etc.)

But none of the Dems will be man enough to deny the nomination to the first viable african-American candidate, who has the highest share of delegates. And risk being labelled a racist.

Although Hillary's wagon isn't far behind.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

I wouldn't be [too] sure on that. Hillary still has more superdelegates in her corner that don't seem to be afraid of being labelled racist. However, I do get the feeling that the leaders in my party will try to pressure the superdelegates to give it to Obama. These are the same old windbags that when Obama talks about needing change comes to my mind.

Yeah, I agree it's very close. But that the party insiders are pushing it toward Obama over Hillary.

But if Hillary wins the popular vote, I don't see how they can deny her the nomination.

Regardless, I'll give Hillary this: She's tenacious as hell, and won't go down easy. She really wants the job, and she's fighting very hard for it.

Agreed pretty much. It will be tough for her to do it but I think it can be done because of the Wright thing.

This has to be fun for some of you guys who are not big fans of liberals ;\)

Fair play!