Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
And we can't blame Michigan and Florida for holding their Democratic primaries early against the will of the DNC's own rules?

Why blame either cadidate? The states defied the DNC in some attempt to be more influential and fucked themselves. If anyone disenfranchised the citizens of those states, it's the states themselves.

There's something about the will of the people that Obama supporters & the Republicans who love them, forget about. They remember it when it comes to the role of superdelegates & how it would be a diseaster if they gave the nomination to Hillary. Florida & Michigan won't be mad at their states for moving up their primaries but at the party who are the ones punishing the voters. I think your kidding yourself if you think it will play differently.

BTW other states moved their primaries up didn't they? In fact, I think all of pre-super Tuesday ones did. A political party has a right to make up any rule, any punishment it wants to but it can damage itself when it acts unfairly.

Fair play!