Originally Posted By: whomod
she has said she negotiated to open the borders in Macedonia, the borders turned out to have been opened the day before she got there.

She claimed the critical role in the peace process in Ireland, there‘s two equally weighted testimonies about whether or not that was true. So, that‘s like a 50/50 on that. But there are people involved of the process, David Tremble who says she‘d never had anything to do with it other that arranging lunches for people, and now, the Bosnia thing.

She substantively exaggerated her role in S-CHIP, the children‘s health program. She was not involved in the passage of that. She was involved later on in helping it be implemented by the states. But she was not involved in the passage and she claimed that she was.

She was not involved in the Family and Medical Leave Act passage. She was involved in some follow on, more minor legislation. So, I think it‘s important to look at the substance rather than the exaggerations of whether she made a corkscrew landing or dodged fire in Tuzla. And I do think that there is an issue here where she wants to run as the experienced candidate.

She has made the point of claiming that Barack Obama passed much less legislation, which is also not true. Each one of them has only two pieces of legislation of any consequence that they got through the United States Senate. It‘s two to two on important legislation. So, there is a whole series of distortions here that she‘s engaged in order to advance her campaign.

As far as being there for important descisions in the Clinton Administration, she didn‘t have a security clearance in the Clinton administration. So, while she was there, in the cockpit or bedroom with the commander in chief she wasn‘t actually in on any, you know, discussions about national security policy because she didn‘t have the proper clearance to do so.

Wow, I gave off a LONG litany of Hillary lies and you bring up the NAFTA thing as a "he does it too!" rationale??

That's pretty weak I must say. Especially seeing as ho we already did this dance yesterday.

Now that the press is on to her "misstatements". It should be quite interesting to see what else surfaces. If anything, all these examples I noted deserve a fresh re-airing.